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GL Account Mapping

If your Chart of Accounts is different from the LPF Chart of Accounts you can map (link) your own accounts to the accounts of Loan Performer using the screen below. This will allow you to export the GL transactions to your own account numbers.

How to Map(link) external GL Accounts to the Loan Performer GL Accounts

To map your accounts to the Loan Performer accounts you go to System->Configuration->Define GL Export File->GL Account Mapping. A screen will appear looking as follows:

Instead of entering account numbers, you can also type in account names. This is useful if you want to export to Quickbooks and you don’t work with account numbers in QuickBooks. The width of the column is 60 characters.

Click on the Save button to save the settings.

You can click on the Print button to view\print the Mapped Accounts and keep them for future reference.

Return to the first screen to close the menu.

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